My paper on “Convergence on the Kuhnian View of Theory Choice” has been accepted for presentation at the forthcoming PSA.
Parental leave
I’m on (deferred) parental leave from mid-May to mid-June.
New publication on Predictivism
Predictivism and ad hoc-ness: an empirical study, forthcoming in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
New publication on Normal Science
Normal Science: not dogmatic, or critical, forthcoming in Synthese
New publication on Lakatos’s meta-philosophy
Beyond Footnotes: Lakatos’s meta-philosophy and the history of science, forthcoming in a Centenary volume, title to be announced, Synthese Library.
Workshop on Theoretical Virtues and Non-Empirical Guides in Scientific Theory-Development
I will organize this workshop in Aarhus on Nov 23-24. Find out more here.
AU-Nov2022-workshop-schedulePapers at Kuhn and Lakatos Centenaries
New publication: Micro-level model explanation and counterfactual constraint
Forthcoming in the EJPS. See Papers.
Workshop: non-empirical theory-confirmation / Stockholm
Upcoming talks
New upcoming talks. See here.