
Below are listed my forthcoming and published peer-reviewed papers, plus other papers, reviews, and (yet) unpublished papers. To jump to the latter, click here.

Find me also on PhilPapers, Google Scholar, PhilSci-Archive, and ORCiD.

Published and forthcoming peer-reviewed articles

  1. Explanatory Stabilization in Situations of Evidential Uncertainty, Philosophy of Science, forthcoming (preprint)
  2. Normal Science: not uncritical or dogmatic, Synthese, 2024, vol. 203, article number 108. (preprint)
  3. Beyond Footnotes: Lakatos’s meta-philosophy and the history of science, forthcoming in the Lakatos Centenary volume, Synthese Library. (preprint)
  4. Predictivism and avoidance of ad hoc-ness: an empirical study, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 2024, vol. 104, 68–77. (preprint)
  5. Armchair Physics and the Method of Cases, co-authored with Pierre Saint-Germier, Inquiry, 2024, vol 67(1), pp. 330-354. (preprint)
  6. Philosophical Expertise Put to the Test, co-authored with Pierre Saint-Germier, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2023, Volume 101, Issue 3, pp. 592-608. (preprint)
  7. Micro-level model explanation and counterfactual constraint, European Journal of Philosophy of Science, 2022, vol 12(2), article number 40, pp. 1-27. (preprint)
  8. Theoretical Virtues: do scientists think what philosophers think they ought to think?, Philosophy of Science, 2022, 89(3), 542-564. (preprint)
  9. Historical Case Studies: The “Model Organisms” of Philosophy of Science, with Raphael Scholl, Erkenntnis, 2020, vol. 87, pp. 933–952.
  10. Are thought experiments disturbing? The case of armchair physics. (with P. Saint-Germier) Philosophical Studies, 2020, vol. 177, pp. 2671–2695. (preprint)
  11. Experiments in Syntax and Philosophy: the method of choice? (with Karen Brøcker), in: Schindler, S., Brøcker, K., Drożdżowicz, A.: Linguistic intuitions: evidence and method. Oxford University Press, 2020. (preprint)
  12. A coherentist conception of ad hoc hypothesesStudies in History and Philosophy of Science, 2018, Volume 67, pp. 54-64 [preprint]
  13. Theoretical Fertility McMullin-style, European Journal for the Philosophy of Science, [preprint], , Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 151–173.
  14. Kuhnian theory-choice and virtue convergence: facing the base rate fallacy, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science,Volume 64, August 2017, pp. 30-37. [preprint]
  15. Scientific discovery: that-what’s and what-that’s, Ergo (open access), 2015, Volume 2, No. 6, 123-148. [preprint].
  16. Explanatory fictions—for real?, Synthese, May 2014, Volume 191(8), pp 1741-55. [preprint]
  17. A matter of Kuhnian theory-choice? The GSW model and the neutral current, Perspectives on Science, 2014, 22(4), pp. 491–522. [preprint]
  18. Novelty, Coherence, and Mendeleev’s periodic table, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Vol. 45, March 2014, p. 62-69. [preprint]
  19. The Kuhnian mode of HPS’, Synthese, December 2013, Vol. 190 (18), pp 4137-4154. [preprint]
  20. Mechanistic explanation: asymmetry lost, V. Karakostas and D. Dieks (eds.) (2013), Recent Progress in Philosophy of Science: Perspectives and Foundational Problems, The Third European Philosophy of Science Association Proceedings, Dordrecht: Springer. [preprint]
  21. Theory-laden experimentation, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, vol. 44, issue 1, March 2013, pp. 89–101. [preprint]
  22. Bogen and Woodward’s data-phenomena distinction and forms of theory-ladenness, Synthese, Volume 182(1), 2011, pp. 39-55. [preprint]
  23. Invariance, Mechanisms, and Epidemiology, commentary on R. Campaner: ‘Causality and Explanation: Issues from Epidemiology’, in: Explanation, Prediction, and Confirmation. New Trends and Old Ones Reconsidered, edited by S. Hartmann, M. Weber, W.J. Gonzalez, D. Dieks, T. Uebel, 2010, Berlin: Springer. [preprint]
  24. Model, Theory, and Evidence in the Discovery of the DNA Structure, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Dec. 2008, vol. 59(4), pp. 619-658. [preprint]
  25. Use-Novel Predictions and Mendeleev’s Periodic Table, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 2008, volume 39( 2), pp. 265-269. [preprint]
  26. Rehabilitating Theory: Refusal of the “bottom-up” Construction of Scientific Phenomena, Studies in the History and the Philosophy of Science, volume 38(1), March 2007, pp. 160-184. [preprint]

Other publications

  1. Neuheiten in der Wissenschaft: Entdeckungen und Erfindungen“ in Thomas S. Kuhn: Die Struktur wissenschaftlicher Revolutionen, Markus Seidel (ed.), in Klassiker Auslegen, De Gryter. Also available in English on PhilSci Archive
  2. “Theoretical Virtues in Science.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy. Ed. Duncan Pritchard. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020 (restricted official or penultimate draft).
  3. Introduction to Linguistic intuitions: evidence and method. OUP, with Anna Drożdżowicz and Karen Brøcker, forthcoming.
  4. Introduction to the special volume: ‘Causality in the Sciences of the Mind and Brain’, Minds and Machines, 2018, 28:237–241 (with L. Andersen, J. Fogedgaard Christiansen, and A. Steglich-Petersen)
  5. Observation and theory-ladenness, in B. Kaldis (ed.), (2013), Encyclopaedia for Philosophy and the Social Sciences, Los Angeles: SAGE publishing. [preprint]

Book reviews

  1. Speculation by Peter Achinstein. BJPS review of books.
  2. Naturalness in Physics: just a matter of aesthetics? Review of S. Hossenfelder’s Lost in Math, Metascience,  Volume 28, Issue 2, pp 345–347. [preprint]
  3. Must Philosophy be constrained? Book review of Edouard Machery: Philosophy within its proper bounds. Co-authored with Anna Drożdżowicz, Pierre Saint-Germier. Metascience, NVolume 27, Issue 3, pp 469–475 [preprint]
  4. Philosophy of Science for the Uninitiated. Review of Samir Okasha’s ‘Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction‘, Metascience, March 2018, Volume 27, Issue 1, pp 107–109, [preprint]
  5. A theory of everything. Book review of Richard Dawid’s String Theory and the Scientific Method, in: Philosophy of Science, scheduled for July, 2016 Volume 83 Issue 3, pp. 453-8 [preprint on philsci archive]
  6. Coherent programme at last? Review of Integrating History and Philosophy of Science, Metascience, July 2013, Volume 22, issue 2, pp 457-460
  7. Conceptions of Causality. Review of Thinking about Causes: From Greek Philosophy to Modern Physics, Peter K. Machamer, Gereon Wolters (eds.), University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007; Metascience. , Volume 18, Issue 2, pp 301-305. [preprint]

Papers under review / work in progress

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  • Convergence on the Kuhnian view of theory choice (preprint)
  • Two kinds of discovery and the Nobel Prizes